The Project

The remedial works required at Worsley Mill are centered around the removal of combustible material and installation of fire barriers where necessary.

The works include but are not limited to the replacement of the Zinc Cladding and supporting materials, timber decking and handrails. The aim is to complete the works in such a manner that the building can remain occupied throughout the duration of the works.

Access to the work areas will be provided by scaffolding erected around the building perimeter along with a hoist for the transportation of materials.

Intelligent-FS intend to make a soft start on site once designs are complete by installing welfare cabins to site and completing power/water connections.

Once this is complete, scaffold and hoist erection will commence the following week. The sequencing of the scaffold erection will be confirmed closer to the time.

As soon as scaffolds and hoists are installed and signed off, works to the cladding remediation can get underway.

The work will be split into phases where work will be completed before moving on. This negates the need to remove large areas of cladding at a time that can leave the building exposed and cause discomfort to residents.

Once an area has been completed and replacement cladding installed, the work team will move onto the next phase. The work areas and phases will be confirmed closer to the start date of the project.

Task Name Duration
Worsley Mill Cladding Remediation Project

30 wks

Design Period

10 wks

Material Lead Time

6 wks

Site Set up

2 wks

Erection Scaffolding

4 wks

Car Park Elevation Works

14 wks

Gable (Car Park) Elevations Works

2 wks

Canal Elevation Works

15 wks

Gable (Canal) Elevation Works

4 wks

Dismantle Scaffolding

4 wks

Site Decamp

2 wks


Access (part 1)

Access to most areas of the building will be with the use of mast climbers, these can be seen on many other buildings in the area. It is the best option as it causes least disruption and is the quickest way to work. The installation of each mast climber will take around 4 days prior to works to cladding start.



As we prepare to begin works to the cladding in a particular area, the first thing that we will do is install a privacy film on the windows in that particular area. This will maintain the privacy of the residents but also allow light into the apartments. The film will remain in place until works in that area are complete, this will typically be around 6 weeks. A visual survey will also be carried out to reinforce the findings of the drone survey and ensure no cladding is damaged and to highlight any potential repairs required.



Once the preparation work has been completed, the removal of cladding will commence. Only cladding that can be re-instated within the same day will be removed. Once cladding has been removed and safely stored until it is time to re-install, insulation removal can then begin. All insulation will need to be removed from the building and taken away from site for disposal and recycling. This will mean that only the main structure of the building will remain. During this time, apartments may feel cold, but this will be kept to a minimum.



Once all insulation has been removed, the new installation can then be installed. This will start with the installation of a  new bracketry and railing system to support both the insulation and the cladding. This will then be followed by the installation of a new, non-combustible insulation and cavity barriers. Both the products will reduce the risk of fire damage and protect apartments from neighbouring apartment fires by reducing the possibility of fire spreading through the cavity between the building and the cladding. Upon completion, detailed records/inspections will be carried out to ensure the correct installation and suitable quality of the works. 



Once all insulation is complete and records/inspections are satisfactory, the cladding can then be re-installed onto the new railing system. It is important at this stage to take extra care to ensure that no panels are damaged.


Clean Up

The final step after cladding has been re-installed is to clean and wipe down to remove any dirt or marks created during the works. This will leave the building as we found it to minimise the impact that the works have on the building as much as possible.


Access (part 2)

  • After all works are complete and all inspections have been completed, the mast climbers can be removed. This will take around 3 days and privacy film will be removed at the same time. Once the mast climber has been removed from an area, there should be no more works to be carried out.