Milliners Wharf

Re-building your property.

Helping you safely on your journey to freedom.

Since the terrible Grenfell Tower tragedy in 2017 the UK has been gripped by a cladding crisis, trapping thousands of homeowners in their properties and causing thousands of tenants the stress that comes with living in a building with potentially combustible insulation.

However, for Milliners Wharf residents, the project to replace existing combustible insulation with a non-combustible alternative has finally started. The Intelligent FS team, specialists in façade management, will be on-site for 55 weeks to replace the cladding for 450 apartments. We are looking forward to working closely with all residents and hope you will come back regularly for updates, to ask questions and to find out how you can engage with the team.

Working in partnership to make your home safer from fire.

The Project

Progress Report


On-site Team


Job completion

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